In Stitches

Monday, November 28, 2005

Back Again

We had a fun weekend, but too short! Isn't that how it always is? :)

I got my Santa Clause done and started another project.

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I found some wonderful tapestry type material at my mom's this weekend. I'm going to use this to make this into a pillow. The other material I bought will be saved probably till next year as I'm not making any more Xmas projects this year. ;)

I started on Lizzie Kate's snippet Happy New Year:

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This will be a cute project when it's done and it's easy!

Greg worked on his lillies all weekend, but isn't quite finished. I will have to get a pic tonite. :)

We had a good time w/ family, ate too much and basically wore ourselves out. ;) We even had time to go see the new Harry Potter film. It's great I highly recommend it! :) My nieces loved their crown pillows, so that was nice! I love seeing the little girls they are so much fun. We watched Madagascar 3 times and they danced to the Lemur song every time, much to the parents annoyance, of course I was there encouraging them to dance a little more the whole time (lol) I am so bad. ;) But, hey I figure you only get to be 4 and 5 once so you need your aunt to get you to do silly things. ;P

Hope everyone had a fun it's onto Christmas... LOL

6 comment(s):

Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving weekend! Especially dancing with your nieces! My only niece is much too grown-up at 7 to dance with us. LOL

By Blogger mainely stitching, at 11/28/2005 12:05 PM  

Your completed Santa is a complete success!

Lizzie Kate's snippets are great! I really like her designs...

Glad to see you had a good thanksgiving! And you're right: life is too short, you gotta enjoy every moment! I always appreciate when my bro and his wife take care of our kids: they love it so much. Unfortunately, my son, aged 10, is already turning pre-teenager... Difficult to tackle already...

Thanks for your ideas about signatures, you found some arguments that make me think seriously about it, finally... I'd almost given up the idea! I need to think of it.

Nice to have you back on the web, even if it means "monday"...

We're waiting for the lillies' pic!

Take care you two!

By Blogger Leeland, at 11/28/2005 1:02 PM  

PS: we seem to have a display bug. What happens when you click on the photo of the Lizzy Kate snippet on the right of your page?
Because it does not display the snippet at all.

By Blogger Leeland, at 11/28/2005 1:04 PM  

Glad you're back from your miniholiday...
The Lizzie Kate design is very cute, I hadn't seen it before. I'll try to make more of these designs too: it's fun to hang it for one day or a week or so, not just with christmas!
thanks again for winter row. it's just perfect.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/28/2005 2:44 PM  

Your Santa looks great! Can't wait to see him finished as a pillow ;)

By Blogger Kali, at 11/29/2005 9:26 AM  

Kim, I absolutely LOVE your Birds of a Feather Santa!!! He's sooo cute and primitive! Great job, but I can tell the bottom of his suit took forever. I still have to do this one!

By Blogger Nancy in IL, at 11/30/2005 1:13 PM  

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