Mega Update
As they say time flies! And in this case it certainly did. I didn't realize I hadn't updated since August till I looked at my blog recently. And I have no excuse...I was just distracted I suppose. We've been busy!First off I finished up the bike sampler and finally got it framed and on the wall:

I love it here mixed with our other biking related pics! Our local Hobby Lobby has been having fantastic frame sales so we've gotten some great deals and re-framed several things.
Next I finished stitching my African ladies, I haven't gotten them all framed up yet but I do know how I want to finish them. ;)

I started working on a Carriage House Sampling project called Fall's Gifts, but decided that I loathed and despised the fabric I was working on. So instead I just finished the pumpkin I started and moved onto something else. I will come back to this project at a later date with a different fabric.

I'm going to make this into a little pillow or something....hmmmm I guess I should get with it.
After the pumpkins I decided to go with a new pattern I received from Glendon Place called "Who's There". It just caught my eye and I love it! Here's my progress so far.

I will probably be stitching this till Thanksgiving, but it's worth it. It's a fun project to work on. I'm not as far along as I'd like because Greg and I took an embroidery class. Yes that's right *I* took a stitching class, I know it's hard to belive. It's right up the street from us at the local stitching shop so it was convenient, plus I know the lady teaching the class. Here's pics of what we are working on. I actually finished all my embroidery and we are now working on decorative hearts for the middle square. Greg is still working to make every stitch of his perfect. LOL

Mine's the green one and Greg's is the blue. It was a random color pick, we got cute little Halloween bags handed out to us with our stitching supplies in them. So far the class has been a lot of fun. There were 6 of us to start with and now we are down to 4. We are supposed to be pretty much done with it next week, but I think some people will still be working on their projects for a while. I plan to finish mine quickly as it has been taking too much time away from stitching my "Who's There" project. Last night we worked on the hearts for the middle, they are a separate element that are attached last. We had to backstitch diagonal lines on them, who knew that backstitching on muslin would be such a pain? It is! But I finished mine in record time, mainly because I refused to take teeny tiny stitches. LOL Mine are more moderately teeny. LOL Overall I would rate this experience as interesting but not one I'd repeat. Embroidery is just not my thing, my lefty/righty ambidextrous brain just can't get a grip on some of these stitches. :D
Greg finished up several projects and sold them for charity. First his yellow ribbon:

It made $30 for charity!
His cameo:

Netted $70!
And his flag (finished a while ago)

Raked in $110 buckaroos! He was so thrilled. :)
He also finished his Evangaline project, but unfortunately the pic I took of it framed sucks majorly. I will have to retake it and post again when I have it. It is STUNNING! He has gotten tons of rave reviews of this project. :D
So that's basically it. Greg did finally talk me into going to open stitch night at our local shop. The same place we go for class. It was interesting, mostly quilters. But we did find out that the second and fourth Mondays the place is open to only stitchers (no quilters) so if we wanted to we could meet some other stitchers then. I'm thinking on it. I have a hard time getting motivated on Mondays and it's also Heroes night. ;p I think curiousity may win out though.
Happy Stitching!
6 comment(s):
What a fun update, Kim! It's great to see pictures and hear about what you and Greg have been up to. Wonderful stitching, as always!!
mainely stitching, at
10/17/2007 2:22 PM
Beautiful finishes!! Congratulations to Greg for raising all that money for charity :)
Carla, at
10/17/2007 5:53 PM
I love the flag! Who is the designer?
I'd love to stitch it for my son who is in the army.
Froggie, at
10/21/2007 4:52 PM
So many beautiful finishes! The cameo is stunning. I like the contrast of the fabric color and floss on the CHS project, but if you hate the fabric then say no more. :o)
Chelle, at
10/23/2007 1:52 AM
So there you are!
The wall with bikes is exactly as I imagined it when I saw that sampler. I'm thrilled to see how it turned out!
Some fabrics just look good for a while and then you can't even look at them... I have the same problem with one of my projects (the doll house)...
Who's there looks great and sooo in accordance with your tastes. Will you share pics of your Halloween decorated home? It's always such fun...
And, CONGRATULATIONS to the guy with the bent bike and needle. His amazing job sure deserves such recognition...
Take care, you two!
Leeland, at
10/23/2007 4:16 AM
I love the pumpkin! And your other finishes are great, too. You have certainly been busy!
Name: Vicki, at
10/23/2007 7:50 AM
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