What Day is it Again?
I intensely dislike Sundays and Mondays. Why? I don't really know. It may be a hold over (a very long hold over) from my school days when Sunday meant school the next day and Monday as the first day of long weeks of boredom. Don't get me wrong, in a lot of ways I loved school. Always learning new things, friends, lunch... LOL (We had the best school lunches, everything handmade.) But Monday was still Monday and it meant dragging out of bed and sitting for hours pretending to be interested in things that I wasn't. Today, I have a great job and don't mind being here every day, but I still despise Mondays and Sundays. The bright spot being that I can come here and show you all the things I did over the weekend. ;)I got my Bent Creek Seasons framed. I used a frame that my dad made me a long while back. I didn't like the picture that I had in it any longer so this worked out great. I did the crackle finish on the frame for the original picture it had in it and while I like the frame, I'm still not sure if black is a good contrast for this picture. For now it will stay. ;)
I also did a lot of work on Peter's Cotton Knits. I like this pattern, but the more I look at the colors the more I realize I'm not much of a Spring fan. ;)
Also here is proof that Greg is actually a stitcher. He's working on his red bike:
In case you are wondering, no I don't take a lot of pictures of myself as I'm not particularly photogenic...and I control the camera. LOL, LOL
Thanks for all the comments and encouragement about going to my LNS' stitching night. I appreciate hearing your thoughts. I'm still not sure how comfortable I feel joining in. But you all are right that they would be welcoming and it's a good chance to socialize. :D
10 comment(s):
Love the framed BC The Seasons. I love the frame too.
Happy Stitching,
By My Life In Stitches, at 1/09/2006 7:54 PM
Your seasons piece looks wonderful framed :)
By Anne S, at 1/09/2006 10:29 PM
The Bent Creek seasons looks great in that frame.I have that chart in my collection.Peter is coming along nicely too,the colours look nice and bright.Greg looks very organised ,go on share a pick of you stitching.
By Shell, at 1/10/2006 6:32 AM
Your dad is one talented frame maker. Looks like talent runs in the family. :-)
By mainely stitching, at 1/10/2006 2:00 PM
your framed piece looks wonderful my dear...
By Sasha Farina, at 1/10/2006 7:39 PM
Bent Creek seasons came out beautifully on the "touched up" frame your father mad you. Let me guess the reason you hate spring is because of the pastel colours. That's me too.
By Bastet, at 1/10/2006 10:00 PM
Hi Kim,
I loved looking at all the lovely stitching you have done, I especially loved the Bent Creek Seasons!
I will translate something for Anneke: Peter's Cotton Knits means Peters gebreide katoentjes, dit is een waslijntje uit een serie van waslijnen met kleren van o.a. Peter konijn, Santa, 'n Halloween heks enz.
I just explained the series of clotheslines to Anneke, I hope you didn't mind. :o)
I read at Gregs blog you wheren't feeling to well, so I want to wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon.
Bye Juul :o)
By Anonymous, at 1/15/2006 5:57 AM
Hi Kim,
reading Juul's comment I understand now Peter is of Peter Rabbit. Yes? This serie of designs is funny and Peter's line will turn out great too, I'm sure.
Hope you'll feel better soon!
By Anonymous, at 1/15/2006 4:12 PM
Your Bent Creek Seasons piece is stunning!! I love your fabric!!
By Carol, at 1/16/2006 10:45 AM
Kim, the Bent Creek Seasons is also one of my faves, and the frame worked out perfectly for it. I think it looks great! You do such nice work. Love your choices!
By Nancy in IL, at 1/17/2006 3:24 AM
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