So it's August...
AND I'm still not making significant progress. I could blame it on the heat, but I think it's just laziness at this point. Also I've been distracted by books. I go through these reading phases several times a year and once they've got me I just have to read till it's out of my system. ;) And in case you think that this "productive" reading...nope, nada. I am (and always have been) addicted to romance novels. LOL What can I say sometimes a good 'ol romance novel is just what the doctor ordered, especially if it involves time travel. (hee, hee) I discovered Karen Marie Moning several weeks ago while perusing magazines at the grocery store. The novel they had looked intriguing, but I resisted...for a few days. Finally I broke down and bought it...well okay...I bought it after checking her out on the web and discovering her plots were the kind of thing that I *love* to read. I read it and then went out and bought 3 more. LOL, LOL So I've been stuck in Scottish time travel romance novels for the last couple of weeks, and honestly it wasn't that bad a place to be. ;DI did manage to do a bit of stitching and am up to the house level of block one. These houses are just never as easy as they look. I had to rip the first line of the house about 4 times before I got it right. I kept starting at the wrong spot and each time I'd start over I'd still be one off. Finally I got it and did get a bit of it finished.

I'm sure that I will settle down and get cranking on these again soon. In the mean time I indulged in a little bit of stash! Mirabilia has a new one out that I just couldn't resist. I haven't stitched one of theirs, but I thought I might be able to coerce Greg into doing it for me. ;D
It's called Autumn in My Garden and I just LOVE it. I also got a new one by Prarie Schooler called Autumn Leaves and Bent Creek's new Wedding Row. All are definately a whim purchase, but so hard to resist. Especially the Autumn stuff. I am a sucker for those. :D
Well I hope everyone has been staying cool, it's not easy when it's over 100F out there. Fortunately the temp dropped to a balmy 88F today. LOL
5 comment(s):
Your start to the new house looks great! Wonderful job.
Leslie aka zoeandcooper, at
8/03/2006 12:08 PM
I know what you mean, Kim. It's not easy to stitch when it's hot.
I just love the new Mirabilia as well. One of my favourites actually.
Stay cool! :)
Kitty Couture, at
8/03/2006 1:32 PM
Love your new stash purchases! Those are on my list as well.
The next house is shaping up!
Missy, at
8/03/2006 6:18 PM
I love Karen Moning books too. She's definitely gaining in popularity.
Love your blog design!
Madison Chase, at
8/03/2006 11:07 PM
I hope the weather will be better soon !
Great progressing !
Christine, at
8/05/2006 7:33 AM
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