In Stitches

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Walking Wounded

That's what I was over Thanksgiving. I was a disaster waiting to happen. LOL

After an uneventful turkey dinner my family decided we'd stop at Walmart before they headed home. They live in an isolated area about 90 miles from me so any excuse to shop they take it. LOL And Walmart was the only thing open on Thanksgiving. ;) I was doing fine until Greg decided to show me a couple of soup pans. We had decided we need a bigger pan for soups and the first one was too pricey and I figured that he wouldn't want to hunt all over the store to show me another one...wrong. He found an inexpensive pan that as I looked it over seemed wrong, too thin, etc. As I handed it back to him I managed to cut my finger on a jagged piece of metal on the handle. A good 3/4 inch long cut to my left hand middle finger. It didn't hurt but it was deep and started to bleed a lot. Everyone was saying "ahh, you're bleeding!" And we jokingly called it a demon pan, since Greg had carried it all over the store and didn't get cut. He found me some bandaids and off we went my family making jokes about me slicing my finger off in Walmart and how much money could they get. LOL, LOL

The next day Greg and I went out to do some shopping, no not in the the busiest stores, and somehow I snagged my index finger and bent the nail clean back to the quick breaking it. OUCH! That one did hurt! And of course it was on the same hand as the other cut. Not a big deal, except that I am left handed. LOL, LOL After that Greg said no more shopping as I'm dangerous to myself. LOL

Other than that the weekend was quiet. I managed to finish Block 9 and get a good start on Block 10. I also got out all my Xmas decorations but still don't feel that Xmasy. I just feel a bit blah this year....

Anyhoo! I got Block 9 finished! :)

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It turned out great! Love it! The shooting stars are my favorite. :D

Next since I had a long weekend I managed to watch some tv and stitch away!

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The house is going fairly fast considering the "brick". I think that after doing the brick on Block 3 I sort of had the hang of how it was supposed to go. :) I was a bit afraid that the house would look too similar to the house in Block 3 but it really doesn't. I think the cow will be my favorite part of this block...that and the fact that I will have only 2 blocks to go after this. :D

Here's an overview:

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It's amazing how different it looks with each block that gets filled in. It's just so BIG and impressive. I can hardly believe that it was ME that stitched it... ;)

Greg is slowly working on his Garfield. He got distracted by bicycle stuff so didn't get him completely finished.

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Hope your Turkey day was fun and pie filled! :) Or at least you had a good Thursday if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving. :D

11 comment(s):

Welcome BACK! I've been missing your updates! Your HoHRH is fabulous! Sorry about all your finger problems over the holiday....but at least you can smile about it!

By Blogger Vonna Pfeiffer, at 11/28/2006 5:21 PM  

OUCH! That must have hurt; both of them. Owie! Your HoHRH is looking really wonderful. You've made great progress. I love the shooting stars, as well. ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/28/2006 7:52 PM had a spell of bad luck there! Hopefully it wasn't on your "stitching hand"!

Your HoHRH is looking great :)

By Blogger Cindy, at 11/28/2006 8:23 PM  

Your HoHRH are looking awesome, Kim! Nag in there - you'll soon be done! :D

By Blogger Kitty Couture, at 11/29/2006 10:25 AM  

Your houses are look great. The one really looks nice (surprising how all the colors worked together after all isn't it). Your new one looks like it is moving along quickly too. Garfield is looking good, I really like the fabric he's on. Sorry to hear about your poor finger, hopefully it heals quickly and you don't have any more accidents.

By Blogger stitcherw, at 11/29/2006 8:09 PM  

Hey stranger! So you're quite accident-prone are you? Still, you don't hold a candle to yours truly: I managed to cut my finger to the point of bleeding profusely on a ... wait for it ... pillow case!
The Block you're working on now is my favourite of the entire piece, so hurry up! I want to see it!

By Blogger Annemarie, at 11/30/2006 3:03 AM  

Ooo painful.
HOHRH Looks amazing.

By Blogger Susimac, at 11/30/2006 5:02 PM  

Wow the Houses are wonderful. Are you going to do the sequel...the village...after this. I just saw a picture of it...another big one :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/30/2006 7:46 PM  

Sorry about the owie! Hope it is feeling better! My but you have been stitching away!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/01/2006 5:35 PM  

I'd say it was a case of Revenge of the Turkey Spirit, Kim. Maybe next year for T'giving, you should go vegetarian. LOL!

Your project is INCREDIBLE!!

By Blogger mainely stitching, at 12/03/2006 3:02 PM  

This is the third time I comment and it gets lost! I don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Never mind, I have a bad mojo with puters...
Love your houses project! And impressed that you didn't take these painful wounds (so sorry for you) as an excuse for not stitching! lol... You know, the poor sampler girl who even BLEEDED on her project! lol...
It's stunning, Kim.
Tell Greg that Grape and Smiley Cup are being missed...
Take care, you two!

By Blogger Leeland, at 12/04/2006 10:09 AM  

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