Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
That's how this week went by! And I just love these kind of weeks, when you wake up on Monday and it's alreay Friday. LOLSo, though work has been busy I have also had time to stitch, though it hasn't gone as fast as I'd like. ANNNND I did get my coffee project finished and framed! Yay me. :)
Here is the finished Fresh Coffee:

I love how it turned out! And soon I will be hanging this one one the wall. :)
Then because it seemed a cute project I did this:

It took a few hours, I think four or five but was done in a day. The only thing I forgot is his head of hair, but I'm not sure he needs it. LOL
Now I'm working on this for someone I know:

This is an older Dragon Dreams project that I found for cheap at a local shop and just had to stitch it now. LOL It started out fast and has slowly crept along. The nice thing about this pattern is that if you know someone who is a nurse, doctor or EMT they have patterns to reflect them all. The only thing I don't care for is the blue. I have never been a big fan of blue, but I will suffer through. ;)
Sadly I haven't had a chance to check up on you all. I've been bogged down in a giant mailing that included massive amounts of hand collating. If you have ever done this type of thing you can sympathize with me...I spent ALL day Wednesday hand collating a project to be mailed, 650 pieces of 9 different items. Let's just say I got my excercise for the day.
Hope everyone has a warm and fun weekend!
9 comment(s):
That coffee project is just amazing and the FRAME is gorgeous...so enquiring minds want to know...you frame yourself, right?! And do you use glass? AND where do you get those frames :)
They are lovely! Your work is wonderful and I think just totally lovely :)
Vonna Pfeiffer, at
3/09/2007 3:52 PM
I totally envy your ability to finish and frame things so close together. It's a talent! Coffee looks fantastic!!!
Jenna, at
3/09/2007 8:02 PM
Coffee looks great finished up, and the frame really sets it off.
The little bear project is so cute, and I like your new one as well. As to the collating you've been doing, ugh! Been there done that, no fun.
stitcherw, at
3/09/2007 8:08 PM
Gosh! I feel for you and this mailing! Yuck...
Your coffee project turned out PERFECT! And I must admit I have totally fallen in love with this bear and his cheering grin...
I hope you have/had a nice week end. Lots of hugs!
Leeland, at
3/10/2007 5:55 AM
Hey, great to hear from you - and to see all the stitching you've been doing! I wish I'd accomplished that much this week!!
mainely stitching, at
3/10/2007 10:38 AM
Your projects look great. I wish I could get them framed just as fast.
Ranae, at
3/10/2007 11:51 AM
I LOVE Fresh Ground Coffee, great work!! The frame looks really well with it.
Rachel V, at
3/10/2007 11:57 AM
Busy, busy little thing aren't we? Your projects look very nice though!
Michelle-ozark crafter, at
3/10/2007 10:25 PM
Fresh Ground looks awesome -- I love the fabric choice!
Anonymous, at
3/11/2007 6:13 PM
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