In Stitches

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Coffee Anyone?

This has been a crazy week! I thought I'd get this post in on Monday, but HA! It was not to be. :) This week is a day short for me as I will be off Friday and then won't be back to work till January 3. :D So this is my last post for this year...which sounds really weird to say. :)

Sadly not much to report because I've been busy with Xmas prep and haven't stitched as much as I'd like to have. Greg finished his Garfield project and it was given as a gift to the nice lady he carpools with, she loved it!

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I love the frame on this and it's what inspired Greg to stitch this one in the first place. :) It's one of my favorite things he's done. :D

And here is my latest progress on my NEXT to the last block:

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The sheep are a bit funky, the finished one kinda looks like she's frothing at the mouth. Other than that very adorable. ;) I am hoping that I can sit down during my Xmas holiday and get a lot of stitching done on these blocks. What with no work and not much to do let's all cross our fingers. :)

I hope that all of you have a happy holiday season! Let's all have fun, eat too much and start our diets on January 1. LOL, LOL

Monday, December 11, 2006

Featuring Baby Godzilla!

And the vote is in! Most people were torn as to whether the odd creature next to the cow was a rat or squirrel. The funniest comment was from Lili who called it a squirrel with a skin disease. LOL But my all time favorite goes to Greg who definitively dubbed it Godzilla (I added the baby part). Baby Godzilla who is offering the cow a piece of radioactive food so it too can mutate. LOL

I managed to finish this block on Saturday so now I'm down to *2* blocks! Woo Hoo!

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Here's an overall shot:

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It's hard to believe that I'm working on the next to the last block! And it will be so weird when I go to pick out the next project. Plus I will finally have to clean up my mess of threads on the sofa. LOL, LOL

The next pic is for San. She sent me my Xmas/Bday present early and of course why wait to open it? LOL She sent me a beautiful hand stitched piece that has the tiniest stitches on it and is so lovely that I couldn't wait to display it, but I didn't want to just slap it up on the wall so Greg and I devised a plan to make it really stand out. Here it is!

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I had this frame in my stash and we had this mat board left over from another project, so he cut it to fit and then I used tacks to hold the project to the board. (It had little ribbons at the top for hangers.) Then I found these sunflower buttons (that amazingly matched Sans) cut the back off and glued them to the tacks. The stitched piece is basically "floating" on top of the mat. It looks very nifty, if I do say so myself. :) I have a spot of honor where it will be hung as soon as Greg puts up a nail for it (he's the "official" hanger upper in our house). :)

Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Squirrel or a Rat?

So I'm working away on my latest block and I stitch this little critter and as I keep looking at it I wonder is that a rat? a squirrel? And YES, I do know the big brown thing is a cow... :) What do y'all think?

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I didn't get as much done this weekend, but then I didn't have 5 days off either. LOL The cow is coming along and though it's a weird colored cow I like it nonetheless. :) It's still weird when I look at the whole thing and realize I have two full blocks to go. It's hard to believe how long I've been working on it. :)

I worked on the cow while watching a show on how they put together the Xmas window displays for places like Macy's, Nieman Marcus and Bloomingdale's. That was quite the show to see! The Nieman Marcus display in Dallas had an artificial tree made out of *shredded money*! Yes I know it sounds weird, but it was definately shredded money. LOL Not the way I would like to see money used, let's glue it back together... LOL, LOL

Greg helped Garfield find the bottoms of his bunny slippers and then we went to bed. ;)

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Xmas seems to be coming early this year, all our office celebrations are this week and next so we had to get out there and get our stuff organized. Which meant we had to go to the MALL! Reminds self - NEVER GO TO THE MALL AT THIS TIME OF YEAR AGAIN - Although I confess I did find a helluva bargain on a winter coat... ;)

I read that some of you are organized enough to have distributed caramel corn to the neighbors (Vonna) and I have my fingers crossed for someone who is frantically preparing for Sinterklaas (Ann Marie). :D Myself I'm always in that frantic "did I get it all done" mode, makes things more exciting. LOL, LOL And I could really use some of that caramel corn right now. ;)

Happy Sinterklaas Day for those that celebrate it!